download sample PDFs

Print them for your classes or project the PDF onto a screen or white board and
try them out,

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There are numerous ways these blackline masters may be used. 

  • Give them as ten to fifteen minute quizzes.
  • Use them in small groups where each student completes the quiz and then discusses
    the answers with 2 - 3 other students.

  • Use them as a review for end of course tests.  

Keep the graded quizzes in an OGT notebook to use at a later date for accountability purposes.

Use them as another intervention tool for summer graduation test preparation.


Wolfson copyright permits each purchasing classroom teacher to make copies for all of his/her classes year after year.   Products can be purchased as hard copy only or hard copy along with a CD containing PDFs for each page, good for copying or projection.

USE THESE QUIZZES NATIONWIDE:  These quizzes were written to correlate with Ohio's Academic Standards before moving to the Common Core.  We have correlated these quizzes to the Common Core.  Curriculum language on each quiz, allows for correlated to states not using CC.   

Grade 7 - Mathematics Benchmark/Indicator Quizzes (c 2007)
73 one-page quizzes with at least one for each 7th grade indicator; complete answer key
                                               Correlation to Common Core (pdf)

Grade 8 - Mathematics Benchmark/Indicator Quizzes (c 2005)
64 one-page quizzes with at least one for each 8th grade indicator; complete answer key 

Grade 9 - Mathematics Benchmark/Indicator Quizzes (c 2006)
49 one-page quizzes plus 15 pages of multiple choice and open-ended questions from the Grade 9 Benchmarks and Indicators for a total of 64 quizzes; complete answer key 

Grade 10 - Mathematics Benchmark/Indicator Quizzes (c 2006)
48 one-page quizzes plus 15 pages of multiple choice and open-ended questions from Grade 8 and Grade for a total of 63 quizzes; complete answer key.



Keep Your Students Sharp with -- WEEKLY REVIEWS for Grade 8 
as blackline Masters with CD option ... each copy gives you, the classroom teacher, copyright permission to make copies for your students.

Have you been looking for a way to help students stay up-to-date on material that you have already covered and to be better prepared for grade level testing of any kind? 

Our best idea to approach this concern centered around the use of weekly reviews featuring multiple-choice and open-ended questions scattered across the standards and benchmarks.  Mathematics material from Grade 8 is so important to elementary and secondary testing success.  

Mathematics Weekly Reviews - Grade 8  (c 2008)
47 double-sided weekly reviews organized in five parts. 

  •  Part 1 - Reviews from grade 7 benchmark/indicators  (15 reviews)
  •  Part 2 - Reviews from grade 8 benchmark/indicators  (20 reviews)
  •  Part 3 - Reviews by standard  (10 reviews)
  •  Part 4 - Reviews using the reference sheet  (2 reviews)
  •  Part 5 - Complete answer key